
It has been a long time since I have updated this website, and made any progress in writing. Admittedly, for a long time I lost interest in writing, and I was more focused on editing for others, which I absolutely love. There is some great enjoyment in helping others polish up their books for publication. I also decided I wanted a complete revamp. I have learned a lot since I started writing many moons ago, and my writing has developed. So, I made the difficult decision and removed all my books from sale. I have then been working on them, fixing the editing, and even expanding on some of them. Some, I know I never sold and these I have been looking at whether it’s worth putting them back out there or not, and in some cases, it is better for me not to republish these books – or at least not for a long time. I want to start again with my books, and branding. This is what has happened with the website – I have removed all old pages and posts and I am starting again. I have republished a couple of my books, and I have some new stories coming out ready for Halloween, so keep an eye out for these.